A Wild River Retreat Read online

Page 5

  “Next up is our final challenge,” Cassie told the group. “The isolation challenge. This one is by far the hardest—it will test you mentally as you take on the wilderness alone without your cell phone or anything to keep you busy... Completely alone with just your thoughts.”

  He frowned. Alone? “You mean alone with our partners, right?” That wouldn’t be a challenge at all. He could think of ways to pass the time with Kendra. Was looking forward to it, actually.

  “Unfortunately not. This one is a solitary challenge,” Cassie said.

  “But we’re supposed to work as a team,” Kendra said.

  His heart soared, knowing she, too, had been looking forward to being isolated with him for hours.

  “Your points system will still depend on how well you both individually complete the challenge,” Mike explained.

  Damn it. Looked like he wouldn’t get that alone time with her after all.

  “Let’s get everyone numbered off. We’ll stagger everyone at different places in the forest, just slightly off the trail, about half a mile from camp.” Mike made his way around the group, showing no signs of guilt as he split up Nolan and Kendra. “Ones follow me, twos follow Cassie. After we lead everyone to their respective stations, Cassie and I will return to base camp. If you can’t outlast the full challenge, you can forfeit and make your way back to us. When your six hours are up, we’ll come get everyone and bring you back to camp.”

  Nolan looked at Kendra as she followed Cassie and the others off into the woods to their isolation points. Her look of disappointment made his heart feel just a little bit better.

  At his own location a little later, Nolan forced himself to relax. He had to sit there for six hours. Six hours without a phone, anything to read, anything to do... Just be present with nature and tap into a different part of yourself, Mike had said.

  He could do this.

  But fifty burpees, fifty push-ups and fifty crunches later, he realized physical exercise after no sleep and barely any food was not a great idea. His stomach rumbled and he felt light-headed.

  Nolan lay on his back on a grassy patch of ground and closed his eyes. A nap would pass the time quicker.

  Unfortunately, only images of Kendra appeared behind his closed lids, and the thoughts running through his mind and emotions running through his body prevented anything even close to sleep from taking over.

  Her kisses earlier that day had confirmed that the connection between them was still very real and very much alive.

  But what would it mean to move forward with her now?

  He was excited about this new opportunity at Webber Pharmaceuticals, but if his new career meant not being with her, would it really make him happy?

  He’d always known what he’d wanted out of his professional life, but until Kendra, his love life had never felt certain. He’d never had feelings like this for anyone.

  But he knew that no matter what it meant, he’d find a way to make this work...even if he had to sacrifice his dream job.

  * * *

  DUSK WAS STARTING to settle over the forest and thick clouds made the sky gray and overcast. The large mountain range around them was now a breathtaking-yet-ominous-looking dark image in the distance. The air smelled like rain was coming and the breeze picked up, blowing Kendra’s hair across her face.

  Kendra wasn’t exactly loving being out in the middle of the woods alone. After almost six excruciatingly long hours, she understood why this challenge was the hardest. In a world where technology and social media consumed so much time and attention, it was almost impossible to figure out what to do without those crutches to help pass the time.

  Her short nap had been filled with images of Nolan and, now awake, she was struggling with an unsettled feeling in the pit of her stomach.

  In such a short period of time, she’d gone from being disappointed and heartbroken to relieved and hopeful...but still just as conflicted.

  Maybe they could talk to Roger, let him know what was happening between them, explain that they’d met and connected before Nolan had accepted the job there. See if there was some way company policy wouldn’t stand in the way of a relationship. She didn’t love the fact that Nolan was her boss, but she cared about him enough to get over it...eventually.

  The sky above her opened and big raindrops fell, drenching her hair and clothing within minutes. She huddled under a large tree, hugging her knees to her chest and hoping there wouldn’t be a thunder and lightning storm.

  It was almost over.

  It would be easy to give up at this point. She was hungry and tired and soaked to the bone, but she knew if she could make it through this challenge, maybe the strength and clarity she needed to follow her heart awaited her on the other side.


  ALL THE OTHER teams had quit.

  Arriving back at base camp with Mike, Nolan wasn’t completely shocked to discover that he and Kendra were the last team standing.

  Which meant they’d won.

  Nolan watched Kendra approach camp behind Cassie, soaked and looking as exhausted as he felt. Pride surged through him. He hadn’t doubted her ability to stick it out, not for a second. It had actually kept him going. He didn’t want to disappoint her.

  “So, guys, what’s it going to be?” Mike asked, standing near the fire that was almost out due to the torrential downpour that had now given way to a light rainfall. “Are we heading back to town?”

  Nolan hesitated, glancing at Kendra. She was shivering and he fought hard to resist wrapping his arms around her. Damn, he just kept falling harder and harder for her. Her drive and spirit were attractive as fuck and her no-quit attitude only made him want to work harder, achieve more. He knew what he wanted to do that evening—stay out there with her. Finish this with her, or maybe start over with her...but he’d call it if that was what she wanted to do.

  Instead, she shook her head. “No...nope,” she said with chattering teeth. “We’ve made it this far. I want to finish the weekend.”

  Cassie shot them a knowing look. “Okay, then, let’s see if you make it through the night.”

  She and Mike disappeared into their debris hut and suddenly the woods around them felt quiet and intimate. The only sound was Nolan’s thumping heart as he looked at the woman he was in love with. “Should we get some sleep?”

  “Sleep? Probably not, but we should definitely get inside the hut,” she said, the look in her eyes reflecting exactly how he felt.

  * * *

  HER WET CLOTHES clinging to her body, Kendra shivered as she climbed into the shelter. The cool evening air had chilled her to the bone, and she wasn’t sure she’d ever get warm again.

  Nolan worked quickly to make a new fire outside their hut and then he joined her inside. “Can I take this down?” he asked from his side of the divider.

  Her heart and mind were in conflict.

  Their kiss had definitely revealed that things were still as hot as ever between them, and her attraction to him hadn’t faded at all. But they still hadn’t discussed what being together meant, or what they’d both be willing to risk. Was the chance at being together worth one of them losing their job?

  “Kendra?” he asked.

  She took a deep breath and removed the divider between them.

  His arms were instantly wrapped around her and immediately she felt warmer. “Is this okay?” he asked, kissing the top of her head.

  She nodded eagerly, moving as close to him as she could.

  “Man, this survival training is no joke. Sure you don’t want to call it quits? We already won...”

  She shook her head. “No w-way...” she said through chattering teeth. “I refuse to give up this close to the end.” In truth, as much as the situation sucked, she also didn’t want to call an end to the weekend.

  She wasn’t sure where they went from here. Right n
ow his arms were around her—if only for body heat—and she never wanted that to end.

  “You’re so competitive,” he said, hugging her even tighter.

  She nodded, allowing him to believe that was her only motivation for staying.

  “Truthfully, I’d have packed it in with the rest of them, but I don’t want to leave you,” he said. He wiped damp pieces of hair away from her face and kissed her softly.

  Her body tingled and a warmness flowed through her. Maybe that was the key...maybe a make-out session would help to warm them up and distract them from the long night ahead.

  They were on survival training after all. They were expected to do whatever was necessary to stay alive.

  “You know, I hear body heat works best when two people are naked,” Nolan murmured. “Just throwing it out there.”

  They were so much alike, so in sync it was almost scary.

  She moved away from him, lifted her shirt over her head and tossed it aside. “Then I guess we should get naked.”

  The intense attraction in Nolan’s eyes made her pulse pound even harder as she removed the rest of her clothing and watched him do the same. Tanned skin, muscular chest and shoulders and abs...he was so hot.

  He lay on the moss bed and his eyes scanned her body. “I have missed this view,” he said, his voice slightly gruff.

  Yep. Definitely not as cold anymore. Damn, he was sexy. She knew she couldn’t have him right now the way she desperately wanted him...but there was no question that once this was over, they needed to find a way to be together.

  He opened his arms to her and she lay next to him and snuggled close. He was so warm and his body was unbelievable. She tangled her legs with his and rested her head on his chest, breathing him in. He smelled of summer rain and the outdoors, and when she placed a soft kiss on his chest, she tasted the salt on his skin. It didn’t matter that they were both wet from the rain and hadn’t showered in days—being so close together was all that mattered.

  This weekend had challenged her in so many ways, but right now it all felt worth it.

  He held her tight, stroking his fingers gently over her body, but there was still a hint of hesitation in his voice as he asked, “You sure about this?”

  Honestly? “No. But I’ll worry about that later,” she said, reaching up to pull his head down to hers.

  For that night, she would do what she had to do...in the name of survival.

  * * *

  A ROUND OF applause from their coworkers greeted them early the next day as they entered The Drunk Tank—a favorite local watering hole owned by Cassie’s boyfriend on Main Street. It was just before noon. Kendra and Nolan packed it in at sunrise and showered and changed into their other clothing at the shower facilities near their campsite before returning to town.

  The only team to “survive” the weekend, they were the official winners.

  But Nolan had his heart set on another prize—one he was determined to figure out how to win. He’d lost the chance of something real with Kendra once before because of a misunderstanding, he didn’t want to lose it again. There had to be a way to make this work.

  Could he really have the career and the woman of his dreams?

  Torn between handing in his resignation or convincing Kendra that a secret relationship could be kind of fun, he took a seat next to her at a table reserved for their group in the bar.

  His hand rested on the wooden bench and immediately she privately slid hers into it.

  Thank God they were still on the same page. But if they had to live in a debris hut in the woods forever just to be together, just so he could hold her, he’d be willing to do it.

  Roger—who looked well rested after his weekend in the hotel—smiled at them as he stood. He raised his pint of beer and Nolan and Kendra joined him in the toast. “Congratulations to Kendra and Nolan for completing this weekend’s survival training. You two have definitely proved that you are the competitors I’ve known you to be. Driven by success...”

  More like driven by attraction for one another.

  “This weekend only confirmed my initial feelings that you will make a great leader for the team, Nolan,” Roger continued.

  Nolan nodded in thanks, but he felt Kendra shift in the seat next to him. It was tough knowing this new opportunity could potentially mean that she wouldn’t get one. Would she be okay with the dynamic between them?

  “And Kendra—your competitive nature was never in question.” He paused. “However, you surprised me.”

  Nolan glanced at her and saw her surprised expression as Roger continued.

  “I wasn’t sure how well you’d take to having someone else on the team who matched your drive and determination...”

  “I’m not sure I’d say matched,” she said under her breath, but there was a note of teasing in her voice and Nolan hid a grin.

  “But you were able to defer to someone else when the time came, and I think the two of you really complement one another.”

  If only his boss knew just how well.

  “Therefore, I’m happy to announce that I’d love to offer you, Kendra, the other senior sales exec position. The two of you will be our new senior sales team,” Roger concluded.

  The others clapped. Nolan’s relief had to be written all over his face.

  Kendra sputtered and coughed on her drink next to him. “I’m sorry, what?”

  Roger smiled. “Did you honestly not expect to get the promotion after all the success you’ve had all year?”

  “Well...” Obviously she had.

  “I wanted to see how well you two could work together, and this weekend your combined competitive spirit knocked my expectations out of the park. You’ll both lead your own team of reps, but essentially you’ll work together to reach the company’s sales targets,” Roger said.

  “Thank you, Roger. I’m very pleased to accept!” Kendra said.

  “Everyone, this is your new senior sales team.”

  Another round of applause and everyone drank.

  Kendra smiled as she turned toward him and whispered, “So, colleagues...that changes things.” The sparkle in her dark brown eyes had his pulse racing.

  “That’s not as complicated,” he said, squeezing her hand.

  Her smile faded slightly. “Yeah...but what if things don’t work out between us? It will be awkward working together.”

  “No more awkward than having to fight these feelings for you every single day,” he said quietly, staring at her apprehensive expression. “Deep, real feelings.” He knew he was falling for her. He had, the moment he’d seen her in Seattle. And now he’d be able to prove it to her.

  Her smile was bright and hopeful as she said teasingly, “So maybe you’ll call now?”

  He shook his head and laughed. “And maybe you’ll give me the right phone number this time?”

  * * *

  Keep reading for a sneak peek of A Sweet Alaskan Fall, the next book in Jennifer Snow’s sweet and sexy Wild River series.

  Montana Banks is looking for a fresh start and a new adventure—and going back to Wild River will give her just that! But falling for her next-door neighbor isn’t exactly the adventure she had in mind...

  Coming August 2020 from HQN Books!

  A Sweet Alaskan Fall

  by Jennifer Snow


  10 years earlier...


  Fear wrapped around her heart the minute Montana Banks opened her eyes and only tightened its grip as she scanned the familiar surroundings of her bedroom. How’d she get here? She had no idea. Hours of her life had disappeared.

  She shut her eyes tight, clenching her fists at her sides.

  Remember... Come on, remember!

  The last memory that flashed in her mind was driving into the parking lot of the gr
ocery store. A familiar song played on the radio. She felt good. Happy. The sun had been shining, and the mountain air blowing in through the open windows was warm and mild. She parked the car and glanced in the rearview mirror...

  “Kaia!” She sat up straight in bed. “Kaia!” She looked around the room but she was alone. Where was the baby? Where had she left her little girl?

  Footsteps sounded down the hall and drew closer, then the bedroom door opened and Tank entered. Montana jumped out of bed, dizziness and nausea hitting her like an ocean wave. She swayed off-balance, the room swimming around her, the floor wavy beneath her feet.

  The feel of Tank’s arms around her as her legs gave out from beneath her didn’t provide the comfort and security she was desperate for. “Kaia... I left Kaia...”

  “Hey. Relax,” he said, soothingly, but there was fear and pain and unease in his voice.

  It terrified her. Struggling to focus, to rebalance herself, she gripped his arms and stared up at him. “I left her in the car. In the parking lot.” How long? Outside it was now dark. The clock numbers blurred. What day was it? Where was Kaia?

  Tank held her close, but his sigh was deep, resolute. “I know. She’s okay. We found her.”

  Before it was too late. Before something terrible had happened to her baby girl. Her precious baby girl.

  A sob escaped her, and her tears quickly left a large pool on Tank’s shirt. She’d done the unforgivable. She could have lost Kaia. This wasn’t the first time her injury had caused her to black out. To not remember. She wasn’t getting better since her fall out of the sky, she was getting worse. She couldn’t keep pretending to be okay. Or that she wasn’t a danger to her daughter.

  “I’m not okay,” she whispered.

  “I know,” Tank sighed, holding her tight.